Only the best for your vehicle
We know you want only the highest quality parts put in your Lincoln. That's why, with our Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Parts Guarantee, we'll pay for genuine Lincoln parts in the event of a claim.* We provide this coverage during the first five years at no additional cost to buyers and lessess of new vehicles.
*Where OEM parts are available. This coverage does not apply in the event of a total loss. OEM Parts Guarantee only applies to new vehicles, the driver must be the first owner of the vehicle for this guarantee to apply. Please refer to OEM Parts Guarantee endorsement wording for all applicable coverage details, limitations and exclusions.
Rest easy with our claims guarantee
If you're faced with a potential claim, Co-operators guarantees that they will provide you with claims counselling, access to their network of preferred repair and replacement vendors and — above all — efficient service delivered with respect.

Our service review panel helps us serve you better
The Service Review Panel is a group of volunteer Co-operators clients that discuss client concerns. The panel is designed to offer a new perspective on escalated claims and help find fair solutions. If they decide that an outcome needs to change, Co-operators follows their recommendation.
We Put You First
Lincoln Motor Company Insure makes it easy to get help when you need it. Have a question about your quote or coverage? The client-centred support team at Co-operators is ready to assist with any questions you may have.
Accident Protection
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Parts Guarantee
Waiver of Depreciation
Emergency Road Service Option
Physical Damage Extension
What is Lincoln Motor Company Insure?
Is my vehicle eligible for Lincoln Motor Company Insure?
When do I get the Embedded Experience Discount?
Can I bundle my car and home insurance?
172 Lincoln Motor Company Insure is a product presented by Ford Motor Insurance Agency Canada Limited, a Ford affiliate and licensed insurance agency. Ford Motor Company, Lincoln Motor Company, Ford Credit, and Lincoln Automotive Financial Services are not insurance companies or agents. This insurance is underwritten and distributed by Co-operators General Insurance Company. In Canada, Lincoln Motor Company Insure is currently only offered in Ontario. Please refer to the consumer disclosure for more information.