How do I delete my Lincoln account?

You can delete your Lincoln account using the Lincoln Website or the Lincoln Way®* App by following the instructions below.


  • Once your account is deleted, you will no longer have access to your profile on any Lincoln site (sites associated with Lincolncanada.‌com, the Lincoln Way App, and Lincoln Account Manager). You will also lose access to the following features:
    • Rewards Points
    • Remote Lock/Unlock
    • Remote Start/Stop
    • Location and Driving Data
    • Connected Services and Subscriptions
  • If you also have a Ford Owner account using the same email address, it will be deleted.
  • Once you delete your account profile, the process cannot be undone.

Deleting Your Lincoln Account

Select the platform you are using from the drop-down options below for the instructions to delete your account:

Using the Lincoln Website

To delete your account using the Lincoln Website:

  1. Go to Lincolncanada.‌com.
  2. Log in to your Lincoln account
    1. Select My Lincoln on the upper right of the screen.
    2. Click Register/Sign In.
  3. Select My Lincoln from the upper right of the screen.
  4. Click Account/Manage Settings from the drop-down menu.
  5. Scroll down to the Manage Your Account section and select Edit now in the Account Settings tile.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the Account Settings page and select Delete My Account.​​​
  7. Click Delete Account.​​​

Using the Lincoln Way App

Lincoln Way App 4.X ExperienceLincoln Way App 5.X Experience
  1. Log in to the Lincoln Way App.
  2. Go to the Account screen. 
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Select Delete Account at the bottom.
  5. Review the details on the next screen.
  6. Tap Delete Account to confirm your request.
  7. Complete the security prompt based on your phone's settings. 

    Note: If you do not have security features enabled on your device, follow the prompts. 
  1. Log in to the Lincoln Way App.
  2. Go to the Account screen.
  3. Tap Account Information under the Settings section. 
  4. Scroll down and select Delete Your Account at the bottom.
  5. Tap Delete Account
  6. Complete the security prompt based on your phone's settings. 

    Note: If you do not have security features enabled on your device, follow the prompts. 
  7. Read the pop-up message.
  8. Select Delete to complete your request.

If you need assistance, contact a Lincoln concierge at 1-800-387-9333 or select Chat Now on the Contact Us page of Lincolncanada.‌com.

Additional Information

What is the Lincoln Way App?
What do I do if I am unable to log in to the Lincoln Way App?
How do I change my Lincoln password?
How do I reset my Lincoln password?
How do I update my Lincoln Account or Lincoln Way username?

*The Lincoln Way App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available through a free download. Message and data rates may apply.